We Welcome Mike and Jeff to the In the Humidor team, they have a lot of cigar smoking experience and will be a great addition.
Jeff has many years experience in the cigar world. I know he can bring us some great insite.
Michael is in the military and has been smoking for about 6 months, he is still developing his palate but already has great knowledge in cigars. He leaves for Iraq in January so lets wish him luck with that!
You can also find them on Cigarpass.com. Again, welcome to the In The Humidor team!

I am the Chief Editor of In The Humidor and have been running this site since 2007! I enjoy a great cigar with friends and just hanging around the house. I have 3 beautiful daughters and a wonderful wife, we live in the Dallas, Tx area. I also enjoy a good bourbon, craft beer, and absolutely love the ocean and beach.
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The Comment: Michael