For the first time,Davidoff will offer the perfect range of cigar gifts for the holidays Davidoff reveals the perfect holiday gifting solution for the first time in the brand’s history. Perfect for the Davidoff aficionado, gifts include festive holiday sleeves wrapping an array of Davidoff cigars as well as accessories from the brand. Whether shopping for dad, friends or colleagues, the assortment features a variety of price points to allow the perfect gift for everyone. The holiday designs will adorn some of the brand’s assortment packs, including the Robusto Collection, Tubos Assortment and the 9-Ââ€Cigar Assortment, as well as its Puro d’Oro series 10-Ââ€count boxes. Holiday items are now available nationwide at Davidoff Appointed Merchants, just in time to give the perfect gift.
I am the Chief Editor of In The Humidor and have been running this site since 2007! I enjoy a great cigar with friends and just hanging around the house. I have 3 beautiful daughters and a wonderful wife, we live in the Dallas, Tx area. I also enjoy a good bourbon, craft beer, and absolutely love the ocean and beach.
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